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    We all know there are hundreds of options for your marketing out there.
    Outbound, inbound, direct response, direct mail, direct email, PPC, CPC, CPM, etc…
    They can take time, they can cost money, you will need help, etc…

    I’ve spent time with all of these concepts, but over the past 6-12 months I’ve seen the value in Inbound Marketing.
    So I want to make a case for your business…

    A case for inbound marketing

    What is inbound marketing? (also known as content marketing, and social media marketing) – I’ve written about that over here
    But Here’s a quick breakdown:

    With inbound marketing you’re…

    Attracting prospect’s with quality content,
    using premium content to convert them to leads,
    and implementing marketing automation to nurture leads until
    they’re sales ready will help SHORTEN YOUR SALES CYCLE.

    Why is this such a good marketing system to implement for you business?


    #1 – It’s all about the customers.

    You’ve taken the focal point away from you and pointed it back at the customer. You’re trying to answer their questions by creating great quality content. It’s not about telling them why you’re better or how great you are. It’s about helping them.

    Which is ultimately the goal of your business right? Helping your customers.


    #2 – It’s consistent

    When you commit to an inbound marketing strategy you have to create content and promote that content consistently. If you don’t you won’t see results. The critical component is in the consistency. So to create results you must be consistent. Thus this provides consistency in your lead generation.

    You’re not relying on spending money on ads. It’s all up to you.


    #3 – Save money (lower cost per lead)

    According to recent studies done by Hubspot
    The average cost per lead of inbound marketing is $36.
    That compares to traditional marketing at $41.

    Another benefit of creating consistent content vs traditional marketing is you actual create something you can retain. Instead of paying to create an add, pay to place that ad in magazines or direct mail, and then hoping customers come to you. What are you left with? Nothing really. With inbound marketing your content and promotion builds on top of itself.

    #4 – You’ll stand out from your competitors.

    If you’re the only one in your area creating great content and helping your customers. When a customer is browsing their options you’ll stand out. Everyone will have websites and social media that tell you how good they are. Look what we did. Look at our credentials. Etc.

    But when they come to your site they’ll be informed. They’ll see you addressing their questions and if they enter their content info to receive some premium content you can personally show up in their inbox for as long as you’d like.

    #5 – It’s great for SEO

    SEO is changing. No longer does simply spamming a bunch of back links work. It’s all about having content that addresses the issues people are searching for. Long tail searches are on the rise and if you create content around what people have questions you’ll get organic search traffic you wouldn’t have expected.


    Now Inbound Marketing is great FOUNDATION.
    Although it works well alone; in conjunction with some outbound the results really start to take off.


    Would anybody you know get value from this?

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      Currently based out of Rochester MN & Jacksonville FL, we are a digital marketing agency providing websites and marketing services generate results. From international companies to one man shops we can help you get the results you've been looking for.