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    Are you tired of low open rates?
    Feeling like every time you send an email you’re simply annoying your clients.

    It’s time to get your clients attention and create some revenue.
    And it’s as simple as sending off an email or two.

    Don’t believe it?
    Well this is going to be your survival guide for succeeding at email marketing.

    The first caveat that you need to understand is that everyone’s inbox is flooded with with emails.  Your clients attention is valuable and something you cannot take advantage of.

    So using that perspective – Who wants to hear from another company sending them a bulk newsletter?
    Or would you rather hear from an old friend that you trust and look forward to hearing from.

    It always comes down to company logic vs customer logic.
    You have to be thinking like the customer.

    Here are a couple tips on becoming the go to resource…

    • ## Stop talking about your list, your subscribers.  Write directly to one person.  This one tip will instantly make it more personal and the recipient more open to hearing your message
    • ## Use your actual name as your from address.  Be personal.
    • ## Use a basic copywriting tip.  Tell them about the pain / struggle and that you understand.  They’re not alone.  You’re on their side.

    But you’re trying to figure out how to get your emails opened.

    Your subject lines just aren’t working.  

    So here are some really smart ways to increase that open rate.

    • ## Promise something good.  Tell them what they’ll learn, how you can help them.  Promise something good and people will be excited to see what you have to tell them.
    • ## Use a number.  “5 Smart Fixes to Your Everyday Problems” for example.
    • ## Make them curious.  If you can make people wonder what you have to say.  You’ve got an open.
    • ## Point out mistakes everybody is making and how they could fix it.  If you can help them solve one of their best problems they’ll be opening that up as quickly as possible.
    • ## Don’t be clever – GET TO THE POINT.  spell it out like it is and be honest.  People can spot a phony even in a email subject line.

    How to better write the body of the email.

    But how to you write a better body content?

    Well here we go with some more tips.

    • ## Keep it short.  Edit without sympathy.  Long emails can quickly get people to ignore your emails.
    • ## Use the word “you”.  You’re writing to one person remember.  You’re making it personal.
    • ## Add personality.  Use slang and the common expressions.  Be yourself.
    • ## Write like you talk.  Don’t be stuck using the same grammar as every corporation requires.  Be yourself.  It doesn’t have to be perfect grammar.  It has to capture the readers eye and lead them through the content.
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      WHO ARE WE?
      Currently based out of Rochester MN & Jacksonville FL, we are a digital marketing agency providing websites and marketing services generate results. From international companies to one man shops we can help you get the results you've been looking for.