I needed a new insurance provider… But it wasn’t as easy as I thought

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    I want to tell a story.
    Because there are some MASSIVE concepts that are killing your online lead gen.
    It’s the reason you only get a couple calls or emails from your website.

    It’s why you believe your website is simply a business card.

    Just today I was looking to find a new insurance provider.
    I searched for “independent insurance providers” in my area and pulled up the 4 top choices.

    They all had websites.
    They all expressed they had experience
    None of the sites we’re “horrible” and you might be comfortable having it as your own.

    but I didn’t email or call any of them.
    Even though I need to make a decision in the next 2-4 days.
    Instead I messaged some friends and asked if they had anybody they recommended.

    Reflecting back on what happened there are some huge takeaways for your business.
    Because this happens to 98% of the people who visit their website

    I want to break this down because there are some huge lessons.

    #1 – Poor Call to Action

    When I visited all of the websites my only option was to call them. (or email on some back contact page)
    Here’s the problem. I feel awkward just calling up someone I’ve never met.

    Can’t you find a way to get a slower start.
    Give me some kind of download option and get to know you a little bit.

    But you also don’t offer a consultation or anything. Just having your phone number in bold font doesn’t tell me what I’m going to get when I call you. Spell it out and let me know what I’m getting.

    #2 – Bad Value Propositions

    When going through each site nobody told me why I should choose them. No strong headlines.

    Here is what I saw…
    “Serving your city since 1988” (sorry but doesn’t make me want to choose you.)
    “Over 5800 families and businesses choose us” (again doesn’t tell me to choose you)

    Establish a strong Value Proposition that tells me why I should choose you over your competitors – Learn more

    #3 – Content crafted for me (your customer who wants to pay you money)

    Why is all of your content (also known as copy) written as you the company. Written like you’re writing an essay for your 11th grade english teacher. Everything must be written with CUSTOMER LOGIC not company logic.

    Potential visitors don’t want to read an essay. They want text written to them. Explain exactly why you’re the right choice vs your competitors and walk them through the info they need to know. Be personal and tell me benefits of your service/product. What can I expect when working with you? Who will I be dealing with? Do you have a proven system? What do you other people think about working with you?

    If you don’t know what to write about….
    write down a list of the most common objections you hear during the sales process and make sure to cover them in all of your text. Here’s some more info – learn more

    #4 – Bad content organization (the case of to many navigation links)

    Here’s the deal. I know you do a lot of things but when you have 12 different navigation options… How do I pick what to click on? I don’t. And I leave and find an easier solution.

    It’s that simple. The more navigation options you have the higher the bounce rate.
    If you want to learn more about bounce rate – click here

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      Currently based out of Rochester MN & Jacksonville FL, we are a digital marketing agency providing websites and marketing services generate results. From international companies to one man shops we can help you get the results you've been looking for.